Friday, May 31, 2013

Feel Good Friday

First off, I have to say that tomorrow is officially June.  So...where are you nice weather????  It's almost summer and we've had the worst weather lately.  The beginning of May started off super nice, for like 4 days.  It's either been rainy and warm or sunny and cold here.  I'm not complaining, oh wait that's actually exactly what I'm doing.  I'm just hoping that June is a little nicer, weather wise, than May was (except I just looked at my weatherbug app and next week is supposed to be in the 60's all week, that's not very summery).

Ok, now that I'm done bitching complaining about the weather not being perfect, it's Friday!  Even though it was a short week, it DID NOT feel like a short week.  My workload has been nuts.  I'm welcoming the weekend with open arms (and an open mouth...for some much needed alcohol duh!).

I'm definitely feeling good about several things this Friday, number one being...

last night me and Vinnie bought a new TV!  We went to Best Buy 'just to look' and ended up leaving with a 55' LED Samsung flat screen TV stuffed in the trunk of Vinnie's Saturn.  Guess who got to sit in the front seat with her boyfriend's golf clubs in between her legs?  And guess who was wearing a dress while doing this?  Oh just me.  I'm sure getting out of his car when we got home was a really attractive site to see.  Anyways, we now have a brand new TV but we can't set it up yet because we don't have a TV stand big enough to fit this little piece of wonderful.  First world problems.

After we brought the TV home, we left again to grab some dinner and then go to the movie theater.  We saw Hanger 3, which was ok, but the first one still takes the cake in my opinion.  

We did manage to sneak travel size alcohol bottles in though.  Brings me back to my reckless days.

Yesterday I received a blouse that I had ordered from Groop Dealz in the mail.  I don't know about you, but getting things in the mail is like Christmas for me.  Even though I bought them and paid for them myself, it still feels like I'm getting presents.  Maybe that's why I have an online shopping addiction.  I should just start sending things that I already own to myself so that I can still get the thrill but save a little money.

Of course I'm wearing it to work today.  This particular shirt is an Anthro knock off and only cost $15.99.  I don't know how much the original one from Anthro cost but considering everything from Anthro costs an arm and a leg (even the sale stuff) I'm assuming this deal is a steal (see what I did there).  Also, Anthro = Anthropologie, just clearing that up.

Speaking of Groop Dealz, I should really stay off of that site if I want to save money.  I checked the site again today and bought a J Crew inspired statement necklace that I've seen several times.  It probably costs $80 from J Crew but I bought it today for $19.99.  I just can't say no to a good deal (and pretty jewelery). 

Aaanndd that's pretty much all I have to share today.  Feel good Friday is in full effect over here and I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow morning and relax all day Sunday.  Maybe the sun will decide to make an appearance so that I can tan my snow white self and look a little less like a dead person and a little more like a sun kissed chick.  Here's to hoping!

XO. Tarah

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