Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Weekend for Family

Back to reality!  I had such a great holiday weekend, and I hope everyone else did too.  But now I've got a lot of catching up to do at work and of course loads of laundry, playtime with Marley, and finding time to get back in the gym on top of that.  So this is going to be a short one.  I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Sleepy doggy on the drive to Iowa

Jack and Papa Joe saying cheeeeese

brother, dad, and nephew...handsome boys!

This is the seat that Barack Obama sat in when he ate at this pizza place...Kiefer is looking presidential I believe.

Dad taking the whole family's picture

Monkey faces

Sad faces

Emma aka Sugar Eyes

Silly faces

Me, mom, and niece Emma :)
These are all from Sunday night.  We decided to go to Antonella's Pizzeria in downtown Davenport, IA.  The pizza was seriously to die for and we even sat at the same table that President Barack Obama sat at when he came to visit Iowa.  Kiefer sat in his chair...there was a plaque behind it stating that Obama himself sat right there.  Pretty cool.

Monday was full of playtime with the kiddos, relaxation, and grilling out.  Unfortunately it rained pretty much the whole time we were there but my dad found a little time to grill out and we ate inside due to the weather.  No picnics outside in our neck of the woods :(

Watching 'The Shining' Sunday night.  Me, Kiefer, and mom were the only ones to watch the whole thing.

Marley's Memorial Day treat!

Jack and Emma laying on Papa

Watching TV

Sleepy Jacky napping on papa
In the blink of an eye the weekend was over and Marley and I were heading back to ChicagoNo matter how old I am, I always get sad when I have to leave my family.  They mean the world to me and I just don't get to spend enough time with them.  It was a wonderful holiday weekend but it definitely ended too soon.  Now it's back to the grind and I've been super busy here at work.  

When's the next long weekend?

XO. Tarah


1 comment:

  1. Aw, it's great that you're so close with your family! Can you believe there are no long weekends in June?? Boo.
