Friday, September 21, 2012

My Friday Hangover's Friday guys!  

This is how most of my Friday nights would look if I didn't have a second job working every Friday night.  I always daydream about what it would be like to still be in college, getting all dolled up and going out on Friday nights.  Ahh those were the days.  Now-a-days if I didn't work every Friday night I would still end up sitting on my couch, beer in hand, watching Netflix.

 This is exactly how I feel today.  I'm a little hungover (we'll get to that later) and it's Friday.  I don't want to deal with anything at work today but I know I'll be dealing with it on Monday if I don't.

This week has actually gone by semi fast, which is unusual but quite nice.  I have to work tonight but my parents are coming into town late and we're going to the Cubs/Cardinals game tomorrow.  I'm excited to see my parents and excited to watch the game tomorrow but here is what the weather forecast looks like:

It's supposed to be rainy, windy, and cold.  That mixed with being in Chicago mixed with being outside watching a baseball game = miserable.  I could deal with the cold, I could even deal with the wind, but I can't deal with rain (mostly because I don't want my beer to get watered down, jk).  So today I am praying that the weather people are wrong and the rain holds off for a while tomorrow.

Alright, so last night me and Vinnie went and met my friend Eddie at a place called Atlas Brewing in Lincoln Park.  I used to work with Eddie in college and we, along with a few others we worked with, became a really close knit group of friends.  

Me and Eddie out for his b-day a couple years ago.

Work friends doing what we did best, drinking!

 The restaurant we worked at was really picky about people they hired and were always understaffed.  All of the employees there worked insane hours and double shifts all through out the week (which is crazy because we were pretty much all college students).  Lucky for us, almost everyone that worked there was all really cool and we all got along great.  So we saw each other literally ALL the time because if we weren't working together we were out getting hammered together (seriously though).  

One of our work bar crawls.
 Eddie moved to Chicago a couple of months before I did so we've tried to keep in contact.  Another previous co-worker of ours actually opened up Atlas Brewing so we got to see him there for a little while and then another previous co-worker that we were also really close with and that moved to the city a couple of months ago, Spencer, surprised us by showing up for a quick drink with us too.

Me and Spencer on New Year's a couple years ago.


Spencer and Eddie. Again, typical.

Just the 3 of us.

I felt really happy to be able to see these people that I was once so close with and to see us all being semi-successful and living in a big city.  I need to really focus on staying in touch with them more.  We live in the same city again so there's no reason not to see each other more than we do right now.

Enough with the friendship rant, I had three beers and 1 shot the whole 3 hours that I was there.  We got home by 11 which is actually even later than I wanted to get home.  I went straight to bed and didn't wake up until this morning.  When I did wake up, I woke up with a pounding headache and some other hangover signs.  WTF?!?  When did I get to the point that I can't have 3 beers and 1 shot in the course of 3 hours without being hungover the next morning.  It's now 11:30 am and I am still feeling sluggish, moody, and unmotivated.  It's official, I'm a light weight.  I'm not in the drinking condition that I was in in college.  

So here is what my day looks like today:

5:17 am Wake up to roommate's obnoxiously loud keys being jangled around while unlocking the front door in the loudest way possible (probably being done on purpose, we haven't been getting along very well lately)

5:24 laying half awake in bed listening to roommate in the kitchen turning the burner on the stove on so that she can cook, because everyone wants to eat at 5 am (bitch).

5:56 finally fall back asleep

6:15 there is NO WAY that it is already time to get up.  Something has to be wrong with my alarm.  Nope it really is time to wake up.  Snooze.

6:25 alarm goes off again.  Snooze.  Listen to Marley cry outside of our door because he knows it's time for me to get up and feed him.

6:35 alarm goes off.  Turn it off and get up so I don't have to listen to Marley cry any longer.  Feed Marley, make coffee, let Marley outside, hope he doesn't drop a deuce so I don't have to go outside and pick it up (it was cold out this morning), call him back inside so he doesn't get into any mischief.

6:45 use dry shampoo on my hair, even though it makes it look even dirtier, since I didn't wake up with enough time to shower.  Wash face, put on concealer and mascara (and that's it because more make-up = too much effort), throw hair in ponytail.

6:57 Remember that I made coffee after seeing my full cup of coffee sitting on the keurig coffee maker.  Chug half of it.

7:03 Look for something comfortable and warm to wear.  Decide on an awkward lengthed sweater that looks really warm and that I got 3 years ago from the Gap.

7:09 Watch Vinnie stumble out of the bedroom and into his bathroom to pee.  Get him a glass of water and put it on the nightstand for when he stumbles back to bed.

7:12 Grab whatever I can find to eat throughout the day at work and throw it in my purse.  See the RedBox movie that I rented on Tuesday still sitting in my purse because I keep forgetting to bring it back.  Damnit.

7:14 Say good-bye to sleepy Vinnie and sad little Marley (he gives me the best sad puppy dog face every time I leave him in the morning)

7:20 Get in my car and start the commute to work fuming and cursing the whole way because for some reason traffic has been unreal the past 2 days on my commute to work.

8:33 Park my car and start the 10 minute walk into work (yes I was supposed to be there at 8:30, that's how freaking bad traffic was)

8:41 Arrive at work and spend my time sitting at my desk hating life and chugging coffee and water to try and feel better while eating a piece of chocolate cake that was brought in for a co-worker's b-day (ok that part made my morning slightly better).

And now I've spent the last 3 1/2 hours answering phone calls and e-mails and trying to sound pleasant because all I want to do is crawl under my desk and nap.  So that's where we're at.  

Looking through those pictures I posted of me, Spencer, and Eddie makes me really miss those days back in college when I didn't have any worries at all.  I never had to worry about paying all of the bills that I have now.  All I worried about was what I was going to do on Friday and Saturday night.  I also really miss all of those people that were in my life those years.  I have some of the happiest memories with those friends.  Why do we have to grow up!?  

Hoping this Friday doesn't crawl by so that I can just be off of work and sitting at my apartment with a drink in my hand conversing with my mom and dad.

Happy Friday (it's Friday, how can I be grumpy anymore!)



1 comment:

  1. I feel you on the missing the craziness of Friday nights back in college. I love being married and I love my life now but every once in awhile when I realize I'm just watching netflix at 11:00 on a Friday night I get a little sad. Ah, the good old days! I just found your blog and have loved getting to know you better... I'm excited to follow along!

    new follower :)
