Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Ok Thursday

Hi Friends!  Thursday's here!  Yay!

This is how I ended my Wednesday night.  Marley and a glass of wine.  I couldn't ask for a better end to a night off, except if Vinnie was there.  He had to work pretty late so he didn't get home until I was about to drift off to sleep.

I relaxed for a while when I first got home from work but then spent the rest of the night doing laundry and switching out all of my summer clothes with my fall clothes.  During this process I realized just how much clothes I have.  Sooo much!  I could probably dress 20 girls for a week before having to wash anything...ok maybe that's a little bit of an exaggeration, but I do think it's time that I go through my clothes and get rid of some of the stuff that I never wear anymore.  Which I hate doing, but it needs to be done.

I have to work tonight and tomorrow night so these 2 days are going to be a little rough but I need the money since I clearly have a shopping problem.  I got online and ordered even more stuff from Express yesterday...whoops.

Now I'm going to link up for "It's Ok" Thursdays!

It's ok....

That I've spent too much money on clothes this past week because I got everything on sale!

That I'm wearing a shirt that's stripes make me a little dizzy because it only cost $7.50 (sale!)

That I'm dreading going to work tonight and tomorrow even though I haven't worked at all this week and need the money

That I miss my parents even though I just saw them last weekend and I'm not 5 years old anymore (even though I act like it sometimes)

That I sometimes feed Marley people food because he looks so cute when he begs for it

That I forgot to pick up Marley's poo poo yesterday and today (whoops!)

That I didn't wake up with enough time to wash my hair this morning (dry shampoo!) so I had to twist the front of my hair back so you can't tell how greasy it is (eww)

That I'm on a caffeine high right now because I'm gonna be up late working

That I'm looking forward to Halloween more than most 10 year olds are and I'm not even planning on dressing up this year

That I'm wearing old boots from 3ish years ago because someone just told me they liked them and they looked new!

That I have enough clothes to dress a small army

That I want to carve a pumpkin more than anything right now!!!

That I watched Gossip Girl for 2 hours last night on NetFlix

That I haven't been to the gym this week because I've been pretty productive in other aspects so I don't feel that bad (ok I kinda do)

Well I think that about does it.  I'm feeling pretty good about things right now so I don't need to justify why "it's ok" much.  Happy Tomorrow is Finally Friday Day!!!

P.S.  Vinnie is at the Ryder Cup today and he just sent me this picture:

Tiger, Tiger Woods ya'll!  I'm jealous!



  1. Hi there, found you through the link up!!

    I still wear a pair of boots from 2-3 years ago, just because, like you said - they still look new AND they're still in style!!

    1. Exactly, I've thought about buying new boots so many times but I just love these! So I keep sticking with them!
