Thursday, August 1, 2013

Oh, this old thaaang?

Hi ya kids!  I don't feel like working today...isn't that weird?!  But you won't catch me complaining over here (except for that last sentence where I complained about working) because today is my last day of work for the week.  Tonight Vinnie and I are heading back to my stomping grounds because it is finally Maggie's wedding weekend!

The bride and I at her Bachelorette Party!

It's going to be a busy weekend, starting with early morning nail appointments tomorrow morning and lots of setting up for the wedding itself and for the reception.  I'm excited though.  My parents are going to the wedding too so I'm even more excited to see them.  

Anyways, today I decided to dig deep into my closet and wear a shirt that I bought 3 years ago.  I forgot about it but it's actually been one of my favorites.  Every time I wear it I get compliments.

Oh, this ol' thang?

After I took this picture I realized that almost my whole outfit was old.  I bought the shirt 3 years ago on sale at Urban Outfitters.  They only had one left and it was a large.  Since I usually wear smalls I was hesitant about buying it but it only cost $9 so I figured, what the heck?  I have to wear a tank under it though or else everyone would be getting quite a show.  The white racerback tank I'm wearing is also from 3 years ago, via American Eagle.  Those shoes?  Banana Republic guessed it, 3 years ago.  The only things that aren't old are my Express skinny jeans that I just bought this past winter and those trendy glasses (that are real, come one, I'm not that hipster) that I just got a couple of weeks ago.  I wasn't so sure about the glasses when I first picked them up but they are growing on me now.  The guy at Lens Crafters assured me that I could pull them off so I put my trust in his hands.

Alright so the whole point in all of that was, I forget sometimes about my old clothes and just keep filling my closet with the newest, latest trends, which is fun but also expensive.  This is a cute, summery outfit and I'm definitely going to try to continue to dig deep into the confines of my closet and dresser drawers to start pulling together some cute looks with my old clothes and start saving myself some serious cash.  What better time to do that then now.  As of today (August 1) I have claimed this month, 'No Spend August'.  I've seen other bloggers do this and it's a good idea so I'm jumping on the band wagon.  I'm not going to spend money on anything I don't need (food, gas, toilet paper, the essentials) for the whole month of August.  Some of you are probably like 'whatever, that's freaking easy' but guys, it's me.  I'm addicted to online shopping remember?  So I guess I'll be limiting my trips to Target and my online browsing in attempts to save myself from any temptations.  I'm also going to try to start posting more outfit pics so that you can see me recreate looks with my old clothes (but don't hold your breath because that probably won't happen and I'm not promising anything).

You know what else is old and nice?  Sending cards in the mail.  I personally love to send cards and letters in the mail but I usually only do it for special occasions.  I've been having a rough 'go at it' lately and my mom knows that.  Yesterday I received a card with a much appreciated note in it from my mom and dad.  It really brightened my day.  Whatever happened to the art of hand writing notes and sending them in the mail?  Receiving nice e-mails is just that, nice, but receiving a note that someone took the time to handwrite, address, and send is so much nicer.

I am a truly lucky girl to have parents like mine.  

Hope you all have a good weekend!

XO. Tarah


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