Friday, August 30, 2013

Life Lately

Life has been anything but easy lately, actually it's been quite rough.  I'm lucky to have a few very special people in my life to help me out though.  Vinnie has been immensely important to me lately.  He always supports me and has my back and it amazes me every time I get into these rough situations how much he shines.  He is patient and he won't give up on me.  For being the younger of the two of us, he sure shows his maturity more than I do on a lot of occasions (at least lately).  I'm just constantly reminded of how lucky I am to have him in my life.  

My parents, whom I've always talked about being supportive and nothing short of incredible, never give up on me either.  I don't know how they put up with my antics sometimes but I could not be more grateful that God chose me to be their daughter.  The 3 of them have really proved their loyalty to me recently (not that they had to by any means).  No matter how much I push, they're still there.

This weekend is Labor Day weekend so many people are going out of town or at least celebrating the long weekend.  I am very happy to have Monday off but I will be working the rest of the holiday, which I can't complain about because I need the money (you'll see why later in this post).

Welp, here's a glimpse into my life lately...

I've already posted this picture but these beauties were a surprise from V. 

Sunbathing and reading the novel of a September issue of Vogue

Yep, that happened.  Poor Roxy is currently in the shop and I'm driving a loaner.

Puppy dog eyes staring at me as I get ready for work in the morning.  You can see his rope toy just begging to be played with.

It's been real hot here lately.  I'm over it.  Bring it on September and Fall weather!

Maybe it's been hot but that didn't stop me from lighting my Apple Cider candle this week, and obviously I better invest in a new one soon since I burnt the hell out of it last fall.

Football season is officially among us.  Me and Marley are excited!

I made bruschetta chicken. Delicious with a capital D.
So yeah, that's about all that's been going on lately in this life of mine.  

Hope you all have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend.

XO. Tarah


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