Thursday, August 15, 2013

Girly and Edgy

Dress: Urban Outfitters (old) // Black Skinnies: Gap // Shoes: Toms // Necklace: Express (old)

I wore this outfit to work the other day.  It's actually a dress but it is quite short for work, or for any occasion actually, so I paired it with some black skinnies to make it a little more appropriate.  I bought this dress at least 4 years ago on sale at Urban Outfitters.  I like how it's light and summery with the white lace on the front and the flower print but it's also a little edgy and bold with the zipper/black trim all the way up the front and the black lace on the sides.  I've definitely never seen another dress like it.  

It's another one of those things that I bought and wore a couple of times and then put it in my closet and kind of forgot about it.  I've already talked about my goal of trying to spend less money on clothes and trying to incorporate older items that have barely been worn into my outfits.  This is a good example of that.

Last night I was feeling motivated when I got home from work and Vinnie was out golfing so I went to the gym and got in a good, long sweat session.  When I came home I threw a load of laundry in the washing machine and cooked us a delicious dinner of homemade turkey meatballs and pasta.  Yum, obviously I didn't take a picture because I ate that meal so fast I barely tasted it.  When we finished eating Vinnie said, "You know, I don't think you've ever cooked a bad meal", and although that was very sweet of him to say, it's definitely not true.

Today I've already had frozen yogurt from Forever Yogurt and a couple delicious pastries that someone brought into our office, so I'm not doing so good in the health department here.  Especially since my frozen yogurt does not consist of healthy toppings like fruit and crap.  Nope, it's all chocolate, peanut butter, and cheesecake bites here.

Whatever, at least I was good yesterday.

Happy Thursday...I can feeeeel the weekend creeping up!

XO. Tarah

1 comment:

  1. Just found you from Shanna's link up yesterday, you're adorable! Love this outfit!
