Friday, August 23, 2013

Friends Make my Heart So Happy

It's finally Friday and I couldn't be happier.  This week.  So slow.  I had plans/work every night this week so I thought it would be a fast week.  I was wrong.  While sitting at my desk from the hours of 8:30 am until 5 pm it feels like time has stopped, but at night when I get home I blink and it's time for bed.  Not fair, life, not fair.

Although I'm not feeling especially good physically today, last night I was feeling real good and that has definitely carried over to my day today as well.

I met up with a couple of girlfriends last night at a bar called Hopleaf.  It was actually my second time at the bar this week because Vinnie and I went there on Tuesday for a couple of drinks too.  The conversation was flowing and the drinks kept coming and we almost forgot to even order food.  We laughed, we cried, we were angry, we were excited, but mostly we were just happy to all be together.  I met these girls working at the bar that I currently work at.  Although I consider myself friends with pretty much everyone that works there, these 2 girls and I share a closer bond.  My friend Laura quit about a month ago to pursue a different job and we are happy for her but miss her like crazy.  Our friend Todd, who also shares a close bond with the 3 of us, showed up a little later too and we were all just so happy to be together, outside of the bar that we usually see each other at.

Before I knew it, it was midnight and I had to say good bye since I had to get up early and work this morning.  Like I said, time always flies by when I'm not sitting at my desk.  For example, as I am writing this post it's not even noon and I feel like it should be about time to head out for the weekend.  Dumb

So I woke up with a little bit of a headache and a very dry mouth.  Water and coffee have been on rotation all morning.  But it was totally worth it to see my friends last night.  It's funny when you start working with people you don't realize that you're becoming such close friends and then all of a sudden you find yourself thinking about these people when you're not at work and missing them when they quit.  I'm very grateful to have met such great people and to be able to call them my friends.

My night got even better when I got home last night.  

I'm one lucky girl.

XO. Tarah


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