Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday's Letters!!!

Happy Friday!  We're mere hours away from the weekend!  Ya wanna know what I'm most excited about for this weekend???  Sleeping in!  My exhaustion level is through the roof right now!

Now it's time for some Friday Letters!

Dear Snow:  STOP ALREADY!  It snowed over 9 inches in some parts of Chicago yesterday and last night.  I hate the snow and it just won't stop!  It's supposed to keep snowing throughout the day today!  It's cold, it's slippery, it makes traffic a biatch to drive in, and did I mention it's cold?!

Pretty much what my drive home looked like last night.

And what my street looked like this morning.
 *these pictures were taken from the Chicago Tribune

Dear work:  please go by really fast today and tonight.  Closing the restaurant tonight is going to be really rough.  it's a good thing I brought a redbull for my afternoon snack today!

Dear Marley:  Can you get any cuter!?  Seriously, I love coming home and snuggling up with you.  Thank you for being such a happy, cuddly dog.  That smile of yours makes my heart melt (yes, my dog does smile).

Snapped this pic before I left for work.  Lucky dog gets to stay in bed while Vinnie and I get up early and go to work!
Dear Express:  Why do you tempt me so bad!  I'm trying to participate in 'No Spend February' by not spending any money on ANYTHING that is not necessary (aka food, soap, toothpaste) but with the Express texts and the e-mails I receive from you everyday with awesome coupons and deals, it is very hard to stay away from your website.  FYI it is now February 8 and I am going strong still.

Dear Chicago Runners: It's February, it's freezing, and there's a blizzard outside.  Go find an effing treadmill to run on and stay out of the crazy Chicago weather before you either catch pneumonia/get frost bitten or slip on the icy pavement and crack your head open.  Running on a treadmill might not be the same as running outside but it is not worth dying over people!

From the Chicago Tribune

On that note, Dear motivation to go to the gym:  Hello? Are you out there?  I haven't been to the gym once this week (mostly because I think that when it's snowy and cold you are actually required to spend as much time laying on your couch with your blanket, dog, and hot chocolate).  I'm expecting you to be here tomorrow morning so we can end this 'No Gym Time' streak!

Dear Vinnie: You are amazing, funny, smart, and extremely handsome and I am fall more and more in love with you every single day.  I am so blessed to fall asleep in your arms every night.  I am also very happy to hear that you will be off of work early on Valentine's Day so we can at least plan a little something special for that night.  Thank you for always being by my side, even on my grumpy girl days.  I love you more than anything in the world!

Dear Ice Cream: I love you, you delicious little piece of heaven.  I don't care how cold it is outside, I will always eat you (even if I have to do so with gloves and a scarf on).  Last night I enjoyed a lovely combination of ice cream, Pretty Little Liars, and a whiny little Marley who wanted to enjoy you just as much as I did.  Sorry puppy! 

If you haven't had this gelato yet, go get some...NOW!
Dear Valentine's Day:  I don't care if you're a Halmark Holiday.  I still love this day that is devoted to love.  I do agree that we should show love every day but it's nice to have one day where you can really take the time to appreciate that special love in your life.  Although I don't expect anything from my love for this holiday, I am going to enjoy giving him the gifts I bought for him!  Also, I just love hearts.  Heart jewelery, heart decorations, heart shaped them all!

Recipe on Erin @ Living in Yellow's blog today!

That's all for today!  I know I will definitely be spending this weekend and next week making Valentine's treats, crafts, and cards!  

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  And if you live on the northeast coast...hope you survive the 2 feet of snow that the weather forecast is calling for!  Suddenly 9 inches doesn't seem so bad!

XO. Tarah 

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