Friday, August 17, 2012

Fitness Friday I just ate cheesecake for breakfast.  And now I feel guilty.  It is not my fault however, my co-worker brought cheesecake in so I felt obligated to eat some (I'm a terrible liar).  Anyways, now that I feel like I gained 12 lbs from shoving that wonderful piece of cheesecake down my throat, it's time to find some motivation to start working out again.  So naturally I am turning to Pinterest.

I moved to the city a few months ago and had to end my membership at my old gym because it was too far away.  I loved my old gym.  It's been far too long since I've been to the gym and I forgot how great it feels so, it's time to find a new gym and get back to the grind.

But in the mean time here are some awesome pins I found on the health and fitness boards in Pinterest:

I have 2 jobs and I'm always really busy so this 15 minute workout would be perfect for me for the busy days when I don't have a lot of time but need to get a quick workout in.  It sounds like something I would like to do because you're constantly changing what you're doing.  It would keep me interested and into the workout (which isn't always easy because my mind is always going in a million different directions and I can't focus).

 These are some good legs, obliques, and arms workouts that I found.  It's always good to have some sort of a plan of what you are going to do so that you don't go into the workout blind.  I always want to make my time count when I'm at the gym and I feel like if I don't have some sort of a plan I forget several things that would make my workout count a little more.

Now, running is really important and very, very good for you.  It is really hard to convince yourself to go for a run sometimes though.  So I found a website (30 convincing reasons to start running) that will hopefully give me that boost when I get home from working all day and just feel like laying on the couch with Marley, watching Gossip Girl on Netflix, and eating ice cream all night.  I'm going to highlight some of the reasons to start running below because I'm hoping that I will look back at this and motivate myself.

4. Visit the doctor less. It’s not only apples that can keep the doctor away. Active people are less likely to develop colon cancer. And ladies, women who regularly engage in intense workouts like running can reduce their risk of breast cancer by up to 30 percent.
 5. Eat more carbs. Who doesn’t love a pasta dinner? Now there’s an excuse to slurp up more spaghetti. During intense training like preparing for a race (sorry, channel surfing doesn’t count) increasing carb intake might help running performance and boost mood during harder runs[1]. (so maybe if I start running I won't feel so bad about eating cheesecake for breakfast?)
 6. Keep it interesting. Forget boring laps around a track. Interval training helps boost metabolism and rev cardiovascular fitness. Bonus: Research shows runners who do intervals have more fun while running (really!) and might be more likely to keep it up[2]. < -- interval training is actually a really good way to keep running interesting.  It's easy to start to get bored if you run at the same place the whole time.
7. Live longer. Who doesn’t want to live forever? Not only do runners have fewer disabilities and remain active longer than their sedentary counterparts, they actually live longer. And even as weekly running times decrease with age, the healthy benefits keep on ticking[3].
  9. Slip into skinny jeans. Running is one of the best calorie burners out there. For a 160-lb person it can burn more than 850 calories an hour. Not like we’re counting or anything.
 10. Bring sexy back. Not only can having a rockin’ runner’s bod boost confidence in bed, regular exercise will help flexibility between the sheets — and get you in the mood more often. 
11. Boost memory. Exercise has been shown to help keep the mind sharp and could even reduce symptoms of dementia. Hitting the track might also protect the brain against Alzheimer’s, even among those with a family history of it[4][5]. < -- now this is something I didn’t know running did, and I could definitely use a boost to my memory!
12. See the sunny side. Active folks see the glass as half full not only while they exercise, but for up to twice as long after hanging up their kicks than their less mobile counterparts[6][7]. Talk about “Happy Feet!”
13. Get a natural glow. Believe it or not, working up a sweat can rid the face of gunk that clogs pores and leads to breakouts. A solid sweat session can also boost natural oils, keeping things fresh and healthy. (Just remember to remove makeup pre-workout and wash gently afterward to avoid breakouts.)
14. Improve self-esteem. Need one more excuse to go green? Runners who ran outside and snagged a good view of nature showed increased self-esteem post-workout than those who had only unpleasant scenes to gaze at[8].
18. Get an energy boost. Feeling sluggish? Try going for a run instead. Just one running sesh can increase energy and chip away at fatigue[10]. < -- since I work so much I’m always feeling tired.  Who knew running could give you a little energy boost!
19. Bring the furry friends. Dogs are man’s best friend for a reason — but they can also be man’s best workout partner, too. When it’s time to hit the trail, grab a leash to give your pet a new kind of treat. < -- Me and Marley can get fit together!
20. Carve that core. A strong core improves posture, strengthens limbs, and helps make everyday activities a breeze. And whether we feel it or not, running engages that midsection, strengthening those all-important muscles. Bonus: A solid core in runners can improve performance, too.
21. Sleep better. Runners tend to adapt to set sleeping routines in order to keep running performance high. Even better: Running also encourages higher quality sleep, which translates into better Zzz’s all night long.
24. Check off those goals. Studies suggest that people who set and meet (or exceed) long-term fitness goals are more committed and satisfied with their exercise routines than those who trudge along aimlessly[11]. And who doesn’t feel good about crossing items off their bucket list?
25. Show your heart some loving. Running for just an hour a week can reduce the risk of heart disease by almost half compared to non-runners[12][13]. And for those already hitting the recommended physical activity guidelines, an extra spurt of exercise can lower the risks of heart disease even more. (Just be mindful not to overdo it and cause more damage than good.)
26. Run stress away. Ready to pull your hair out? Instead of tuning in to a reality TV marathon, try running a real one. Not only does running boost the brain’s serotonin levels, regular exercise might actually remodel the brain, making it calmer and more stress resistant[14].

Now after reading through all of these reasons I realized how much this could really help me.  I've been feeling really tired, stressed/slightly depressed, and my back has been hurting me.  Basically I just haven't been feeling like ME lately.  I've been trying to figure out what to do to boost my energy and make myself feel better.  Duh! - running and working out!  Problem solved :)

Since I'm going to start working out I might as well start eating better too right?!  Well I actually usually eat decently healthy but every once in a while I have a pop tart or 2.  I do need to start eating more fruits and veggies.

44 Healthy Foods Under $1 - this website lists lots of foods that are actually good for you and cost very little.  I'm going to have to remember this the next time I go to the grocery store!

52 Healthy Meals in 12 Minutes or Less - this website has 52 healthy meals that take 12 minutes or less to make.  Again, this is wonderful for my busy lifestyle!

Alright, sorry this post got a bit lengthy but I started looking at all of this health and fitness stuff and got pretty excited about my decision to start working out and eating healthier once again.  Time for the new and improved Tarah to start coming alive!  

In other news, I'm very happy and excited today.  Let me tell you why:
1. It's Friday
2. I'm leaving work early today!
3. I'm FINALLY getting my hair cut (sorry for neglecting you hair!)
4. I have the WHOLE weekend off (literally haven't had a weekend off in 2 months)
5. I get to spend the whole weekend with my parents, brother, and Vinnie in St. Louis - we're going to visit my brother who goes to school and lives in St. Louis for the weekend and to top it off we're going to a Cardinals game tomorrow.  

You cannot wipe this smile off of my face :)  Thanks for reading everyone!  Hope you have as wonderful of a weekend as I am going to have!!! 

Just a little more motivation :)

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