Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Easter!

TGIF! This has been a long week and I'm so happy it's almost over.  Today is Good Friday so we get out of the office at 3 pm, which will be nice because I have some Easter shopping to do before I have to go to work at 6:30 tonight.  

Last night, Vinnie and I went to the gym and then picked up some Panda Express and brought it home to eat for dinner.  We were both so exhausted that we took a shower and were in bed by 10.  How old are we again?  Oh yea, 70.  Thursday night I had to leave work early to get sized for my bridesmaid dress.  I walked the mile downtown and met my friend Katie, who is also going to be a bridesmaid in the same wedding.  The fitting took us both about 10 minutes and then we headed over to a bar down the street for a couple of drinks and to catch up on each others lives.  We haven't seen each other in a while so it was very nice.  

I don't really have any plans for Easter because I work all weekend and then I have Sunday off, but Vinnie works that day.  My family is too far away to visit for just a few hours so instead of getting dressed up, going to church, and spending the day eating with family.  I'll probably be in my pj's all day spending time with Marley.  That's ok with me, even though I do wish I could see my family and of course wear a pretty dress.  I might try to cook something special, maybe a ham...that's what people eat on Easter right?

Looking on the bright side (literally), the sun has finally come out and Spring is showing it's face.  The weather is slowly getting a little warmer and it's starting to actually feel like the beginning of April.  Also, I leave for Vegas in 2 weeks from today.  Yessss!

I will leave you with some cute Easter facts:

Hope you all have a lovely Easter weekend!  Make sure you get all dolled up and eat lots of candy and yummy food for me!

XO. Tarah

Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life.  ~S.D. Gordon


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