Friday, September 20, 2013

What the F is a PSL?

Happy Friday!

So I've been pretty busy lately and I haven't really kept up on my daily blog reading and instagram browsing.  Apparently there are a couple of major things that I have missed.

#1.  Am I the only living female who does not own a Phillip Lim bag?

Source of Picture

Apparently this line launched on Sunday with very limited items in stock.  I had no idea.  I have never heard of Phillip Lim, but I do enjoy these bags.  I guess women were up early, running to the nearest target and fighting off other fashion-obsessed women in order to get their hands on one of these bags.  I just looked on eBay and people are selling these bags for literally double the amount that they paid for them.  The bags are cute but you guys, calm down.  Congrats if you were one of the lucky ones?

The funny thing is, I just went to Target on Tuesday and I bought a Phillip Lim dress (maybe I should be re-thinking this decision since it was still in stock 2 days after the launch, it might not be 'hip' enough).  I still didn't realize who the eff Phillip Lim was until yesterday.  I just thought the dress was cute.  Also, I guess I have been living under a rock?

#2.  Am I the only living female who hasn't purchased a pumpkin spiced latte from Starbucks yet this year?  Also, when did we start calling them PSL's?  I don't like that.

Source of Picture

By the way, if you click on that 'source' link up there ^^ it will take you to a blog that has a copy cat recipe for a 'PSL' and it sounds fucking delicious.  I may have to try that, but I probably won't because I'm lazy. 

Ok, don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking the pumpkin spiced latte from Starbucks because that shit is good.  All I'm saying is that women are obsessed with them.  I know they are only out for a limited time and everyone loves fall so when these come out we all get excited because that means fall is coming, fall is coming!  Trust me, I'm excited too, but I did not sprint to the nearest Starbucks to order one when they first came back and it was 105 degrees out.  I just can't truly enjoy pumpkin stuff until it actually feels like fall.  So I will be going to Starbucks (or 711 because theirs are just as good and don't cost nearly as much) and I will be ordering myself one of these and I will drink it with a smile on my face.  But you guys, just chill out.  And seriously, who nicknames a drink?  Pumpkin Spiced Latte.  It takes 2 seconds to say. 

And on that note, have a good weekend!  If it cools down enough, totes go get yourself a PSL from S-bucks!  

Ta ta!

XO. Tarah


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