Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I am so happy that today is Wednesday, mostly just because I am glad that yesterday is over!  It was just one of those days.  You know, the ones where you wake up with a pounding headache, stuffy nose, and sinus pressure so bad you just wanna rip your face off.  I mentioned yesterday that the weather in Chicago is killing my allergies but seriously, I thought I was going to die yesterday.  I never ever get sick so when I do, it's not something I'm used to and I always think I'm definitely in the process of slowly dying.

I found some allergy medicine that didn't end up making me feel any better and went to work.  Of course I was already running late and of course there was some sort of an accident on the expressway so I ended up being even later.  I hate being late.

A couple of hours after being at work, Vinnie sends me a picture of dog vomit all over our bed.  Thanks Marley.  You couldn't have puked on our hardwood floors which would be super easy to clean up.  You have to climb up in our bed, pull back the comforter, and puke on our clean sheets (ok he didn't pull back our comforter, Vinnie never makes our bed when he gets up in the morning and fine yes, our sheets weren't freshly cleaned but you know what I mean).  Of course our other 2 sets of sheets are still dirty because I never find the time to wash big loads of sheets so now we have 3 sets of dirty sheets and a dirty mattress cover.  

My sick just got worse and worse through the day and I was basically dragging my legs by the time I got into work at my second job last night.  It was pretty obvious that I was sick so they sent me home because, well, who really wants a slimy, snot monster with the voice of a nasaly demon delivering food and talking to guests.  I would definitely scare people.  So I went to wal-greens and loaded up on medicine and a pint of ben and jerry's, went home to wash sheets, and ate almost the whole pint of ice cream while watching 'Cat Fish' on MTV.  I literally would have gone straight to bed if my bed actually had sheets on it and wasn't just a bare naked mattress.  I was in bed before 10 though, with freshly clean sheets.

Poor Vinnie, all he heard all night was me complaining, 'I just want to die', 'I'm going to murder Marley', 'It is so hot in here', 'Don't touch me, I'm sick'.

I woke up this morning feeling, not 100%, but much less like I was being punched in the face by King Kong constantly.  This sick talk has gone on for far too long. 

Today is September 11 and it is always important to remember this day.  I know I will never forget it.  I was only in 8th grade and didn't really understand at the time, but as I got older I realized just what a huge day that really was.  For me, September 11 is not a sad day though.  12 years ago on this day our country was attacked, but 31 years ago on this day my amazing parents were married and started the rest of their lives together.

This day will always have double the meaning for me.  I take time to remember what happened and to sympathize for all of the victims and families that were affected.  I also take time to thank God for bringing my parents, the most special people in this world to me, together.  It makes me realize how lucky I am to have my family.

Today I honor the victims of 9/11 and I also honor my parents and the lives that they built for themselves, my siblings, and myself.  They have taught us what love really, truly is.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad.

XO. Tarah

Linking up with Because Shanna Said So for Random Wednesday.

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