Thursday, November 15, 2012

In My Head...

Happy Thursday!  There are so many things going on in my head that I've decided today is the day that I spill it all out here.

1.  Marley went to the vet yesterday for his yearly checkup and vaccinations.  Last year when he went he weighed 60 lbs and the vet let me know that he was a fatty and needed to lose weight.  I was feeding him to much, so I've cut down on his portions since then.  Well yesterday when they weighed him we found out he now weighs 42 lbs!!!  My baby lost almost 20 lbs and is healthier than ever, which is great considering he is 6 years old (37 in human years).  I didn't remember him every looking that fat until I found an old picture and put it side by side with a new picture:

The top picture is from a little over a year ago and the bottom picture is from this morning.  He looks so much better now!  Also, he got 3 shots and didn't even make a peep, not even a little whine.  I was so proud of him I almost cried!  I always worry that he's not completely healthy since he's getting older and obviously he can't tell me if something is wrong.  Luckily I don't have to worry because the vet confirmed that he was healthy and fit.

Needless to say, we let Marley enjoy a nice big bone last night because he deserved it!

2.  We ordered Chinese food last night and sat on the couch stuffing our faces while drinking beer and watching Breaking Bad and the Chicago Bulls game.  Our other option was to go to the gym.  I do not feel bad for picking option number 1.  At least we walked to the Chinese restaurant to pick up our order instead of having it delivered.  That's considered exercise, right?!

3.  I could not be more excited for next week for multiple reasons.  I only have to work at the bar on Monday night and then I have the whole rest of the week off.  I only have to work at my day job for 2 1/2 days and then I get the rest of the week off.  My whole family is going to be together for Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving in itself, yummy!  Friday is Vinnie and I's one year anniversary and we are celebrating it on Saturday by going to a lovely dinner and staying the night in a hotel in downtown Chicago.  Ahh I have so many things to look forward to!

4.  I'm actually celebrating Thirsty Thursday tonight because I don't have to work.  I'm meeting up with a good friend to have a couple of brewskis.  Hooray!

5.  I'm getting my haircut on Saturday so I won't look like a hot mess for Thanksgiving!

6.  It's almost time for me to get into the Christmas spirit with decorations and crafts and Christmas music!  I refuse to get into the Christmas spirit until Thanksgiving is over though!  One holiday at a time people!

7.  I just took a long lunch break and went shopping at Water Tower.  I found a couple of cute things at Forever 21 and bought a bunch of candy at Candyality!  Hmm maybe I should reconsider my choice of not going to the gym last night.  We'll work on that after the holidays!

8.  I have the cutest niece who is turning 4 on Monday!  Me and Vinnie went to her birthday party last Sunday and she had the best time!

Her adorable cake!
 Now all I have to do is get through this weekend of work and then it's smooth sailing for a whole week!  I guess it's time that I start looking up Thanksgiving recipes because I've decided that I am going to bake something to bring since I normally don't really help out much with the cooking on Thanksgiving. 

Have fantastic night!

XO. Tarah


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