Monday, December 17, 2012

Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting

My heart aches for those affected by the elementary school shooting in Newtown, CT.  20 innocent children's lives were abruptly taken from them.  The more I read about it and the more new coverage I see about it, the more grief I feel.  It sickens me.

How could someone do this?

This was not the only disturbing news I received on Friday.  I also found out that a friend's boyfriend was involved in a freak accident.  After climbing on top of the roof of a hotel in downtown Chicago to take pictures of the skyline, he slipped and fell 22 feet down a smokestack, where he became stuck for hours and was eventually pronounced dead after being rushed to the hospital.  

More sad news. 

I know that we do not live in a perfect world.  I know that horrific events happen everyday, whether we hear about them or not.  Tragedy is all around us, all the time.  It's times like these that remind us just how precious life is.  It's also a reminder that there are a lot of sick people in the world.  Everyone just asks the question "why?", why would someone go into an elementary school and take the lives of innocent children?  That is a question that can never be answered.  That man needed help.

Although I, as well as everyone else in the world who has a heart, have been filled with sadness and grief over the past few days, I am reminded that there are good people out there.  Here are 5 kind acts for Newtown that will restore your failth in humanity. At least there are still good people out there trying to do whatever they can to help.  Remembering this is what will help everyone get through this terrible tragedy.

We must not forget that life is a precious gift.  Don't waste it.  

XO. Tarah 

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